We need your assistance to have a successful auction!  

If you're a business and willing to give us a fabulous something for auction- we'll give you a listing on our website and a shout out on social media!! Please fill out the form on the right side of this page!

Help us raise funds for the Northeast Person of Leather title and seed money for 2026!  We're going to keep growing and keep representing the northeast all over the country!! 


Benefits of donating:

Generous donations under $50: Your name or company name will be listed on our website.

Generous donations exceeding $50: your name or company name will be a clickable link on our website.

Astounding donations exceeding $200: your name or company name will be a clickable link on our website and we will post about you on social media and your company will be mentioned from stage as a donor.

We apologize but donations cannot be traded for tickets to the event. We can offer the above.


All donations need to shipped to Baltimore. Please have donations arrive by February 12th. Please let us know if this is not possible.  We prefer to NOT have donations brought to the event. We need a minute to prepare sheets and want to have all auctions set by opening.  


Thank you SO much!!! 

Gender pronouns
Company name
Phone number
Your website address
Describe your donation
Value of your donation
Accept Terms *

I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.